Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Doug Shepherd, the Lonestar

I would highly recommend everyone head over to Doug Shepherd's website on Bandcamp and download his recorded output (either in whole or or part) immediately.

The songs are free.

Doug was one of the few folks I met in my early years in Portland willing to put up with me and my annoying eccentricities from the get go.

I remember him taking me to the fried catfish place somewhere near 26th and Division for dinner, introducing me to my first dips in the Sandy River in the the middle of an August heatwave (complete with flat tire on the shoulder of highway 84), and him describing how he helped install the velvet wallpaper at Dots.

I like this guy so much that I once mowed his lawn for free. It wasn't all that big of a lawn, but still...

And his songs are pretty damn good, to boot. My 4 favorite Doug Shepherd songs:

1. Whistles Blow (from Mass Amount of Love)
2. TIn Angel (from Type Foundry Sessions)
3. On the Moon (from Type Foundry Sessions)
4. Lonestar (from Trying To Draw On a Moving Train)

A truly talented and selfless individual. Enjoy.

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