Friday, August 14, 2009

Music on the Cheap: Cosmic Rough Riders

I am a sucker for any band able to pull off the Teenage Fanclub approach to songwriting: the big guitars, sunny choruses, and the low key attitude that makes TFC just so damn cool.

One of those groups that took on that big challenge and fared pretty well was the Cosmic Rough Riders. They share a few things in common with Teenage Fanclub. One, both bands hail from Scotland, a place responsible for more than their fair share of great music these past 25 years. Second, both bands were on labels owned by Alan McGee, the man who unleashed the likes of Oasis, My Bloody Valentine, Ride, and others to a world wide audience. Teenage Fanclub on Creation Records, the Cosmic's on McGee's next label, Poptones.

The Cosmic Rough Riders second proper LP, "Too Close To See Far" is the one that does it for me. Spectacular from beginning to end.

I think this was their big attempt to make it in the US Market. Unfortunately, a few things weren't working in their favor. First of all, the cover art for the American version. I mean, who in their right mind would take a risk on an CD that looks like this? Second, the fan base just didn't exist to support a US tour. I saw them put in a great performance at the Aladdin theater in Portland, OR. The show was free, but only a handful of people actually showed up. They were all great guys, signing singles and CDs after the show, and chatting with me and my pal Tim. That made it all the more heartbreaking.

So, with that said, I proudly introduce you to "Too Close To See Far": 42 used and new copies available starting at $0.01.

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